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Finding the right partner for B-BBEE bursary solutions - article - bee 123

Finding the right partner for B-BBEE bursary solutions

The Fees Must Fall movement was a wake-up call for even casual observers of South African politics. Whatever you think of the protesting students’ tactics and demands, it is clear that higher education in South Africa faces serious problems. Fortunately, it’s an area in which

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The South African enterprise guide to B-BBEE compliance automation

Most South African companies appreciate the value of effective B-BBEE compliance. Unfortunately, not everyone is aware that there’s a more efficient way to meet their compliance goals. B-BBEE compliance automation could be the answer to your compliance prayers. All those complex, time-consuming calculations? Scrambling to

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Breaking the risk paradigm: B-BBEE as an opportunity, not a hurdle

Research shows that B-BBEE compliance does not increase a company’s business risk over the long term. That raises an important consideration. If meeting B-BBEE criteria doesn’t increase risk, then, from a strategic point of view, managing B-BBEE becomes less about mitigating risk and, potentially, about

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Optimising your B-BBEE Scorecard: A cheat sheet

Optimising your B-BBEE scorecard doesn’t have to be a challenge. You just need the right tools, information and advice to unlock the benefits of a B-BBEE strategy that suits your business. First, are you an exempted business? If your business is thinking about B-BBEE compliance